Wanted: Detacious Bid Manager

These people really seem to know what kind of Bid Manager they want to hire...
I especially love the Key Attributes they describe, especially TENACITY and DETAIL HANDLING. I think they are spot on. 
A Bid Manager has to be tenacious and cannot give up on any ideas or threads or messages or what have you so easily and he has to persist until the deal is brought home and the doors are locked. Yes, a bid manager has to be TENACIOUS. 
Details, details! I would not call it DETAIL HANDLING as these people have. I would call it DETAIL ORIENTED or DETAIL DRIVEN or something like that...let me explain. 
  • The bid manager needs to be able to read the input documents in threadbare DETAIL. 
  • He needs to understand the customer needs, wants and expectations in great DETAIL. 
  • He needs to be able to give DETAILED directions and expectations to the bid team since there is little time or room for rework in a bid
  • He needs to be able to review everything that comes from the team in DETAIL
  • He needs to be able to patiently review, understand, redline and negotiate long contracts and bid documents in threadbare DETAIL 
  • He needs to be able to identify the good winning ideas from the average by getting into the DETAILS of the solutions and ideas from the team...

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