eBay to Bid Management - A Conversation

I want to be a bid manager
Why do you want to be a bid manager?
I like to bid for things...
Such as?
Things,  you know...
like on eBay...
hmm...so you like eBay or you like bidding?
I like both...
why do you think you like both?
Because I am hanging around in eBay looking at things...and not only that...I also bid frequently. So, I guess I like both.
Fair enough. Lets talk about the bidding part.
What about it?
First of all, do you like placing bids or placing bids and winning.
I dont know man...I bid a lot, sometimes I win.
Does it bother you when you dont win.
Not really...there is lots more junk to bid on...
hmm...so, you just like bidding win or lose...
I guess.
You dont much care whether you win or lose.
Mostly...I agree.
When you do win, you do feel better...but only slightly.
So, lets now talk about those few times you do win a bid.
What about them?
Do you know why you win those few times?
It varies.
Go on...
Sometimes I bid right...
Aha...bid right! How do you know you bid right?
Because I won!
So, you think you bid right just because you won?
Yes, how else could I have won?
You could have won because no one else wanted to bid... 
You could have won because you bid too high...
You could have won because you got lucky...
Come on, maan...dont say I was just stupid and lucky...
Or both.
Fair enough...it is your opinion...
It seems like a logical conclusion to me. 
Alright...what do you say, can I become a bid manager or not?
Of course you can...
Really? great...how do I do it...where do I start?
Go on...
Forget all you think you know about bidding...
Because it wont help...and it will hurt!
Why so?
It would likely make you a disastrous bid manager.
That doesnt sound right...you said I could be a bid manager.
I did.
I meant...that...anyone can be a bid manager.
Then why are you now saying I would make a disastrous bid manager.
You didnt let me finish...I said that would happen...IF you apply your ebay bidding experience to it....
Why did you stop?
Because, a bid manager bids to win.
 Almost.Unless he is bidding so he can win something bigger.
 Like a strategic bid?
Yes...you do know some big words dont you?
Was I right...?
Of course...a bid manager may bid for strategic reasons.

What else...
He bids with a plan.
What is that?
He thinks about bidding before actually bidding.

Why cant he just bid...
Because he is not bidding for fun.
So sad...no fun, eh?
I didnt say that...bid management is fun.
Then, what did you say?
I said, he bids because someone pays him to win business.
And he does not bet on luck.
Everyone needs luck, maan.
He does not bet on it...
Why not...
Because he wont keep his job for long.
Why not...
Do you remember what I just told you...
Yes...someone pays him to win...
Good...you are smart, arent you?

1 comments :: eBay to Bid Management - A Conversation

  1. interesting!

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